License Agreement to use MCDFGME release 2005
code calculates a number of atomic properties taking fully into account
relativistic effects.
personal license to use MCDFGME release 2005 means that you and your
research group may use the MCDFGME executable file(s) of the code
subject to the terms given below. This agreement applies to all revisions of
release 2005, that is, all versions denoted by MCDFGME release 2005.x,
where x is the revision number. The current release is 2005.10, new versions
may appear to correct bugs and/or extend the versatility of the code. In the
following all references to MCDFGME refer to the executable files of MCDFGME
release 2005 available to registered users on the Web site:
order to obtain and use MCDFGME 2005 you are required to accept the
following terms:
Copyright for the code and the
documentations rests with the authors (Jean-Paul Desclaux and Paul Indelicato)
and is not being placed in the public domain.
You are required to make sure that MCDFGME
is not distributed to users outside your research group. In particular, no
person leaving your research group may take a copy of MCDFGME with
him/her, unless that person has obtained his/her own license.
You have to take all necessary actions
to guarantee that people not included in this license cannot access MCDFGME.
When you stop using a computer you have to delete all MCDFGME files on
that computer.
This code is provided only for research
activities intended to be published in the open literature. Results obtained
with the code may not be used for proprietary purposes, and no fee may be
charged for the use of the program.
You accept that, for this program
developed for the research activities of its authors, there is no warranty of
correctness of the neither results nor adequacy for your own particular
purposes. You understand that the authors of MCDFGME cannot be held
responsible in any way for any consequences arising from the use of the
program. While every attempt will be made to correct reported errors, the authors
of MCDFGME are not obliged to make such corrections, nor is there any
support for users implied by making the program available.
Any published work including results
obtained with the MCDFGME program must acknowledge with an appropriate
citation. A suitable text would be: " MCDFGME, a MultiConfiguration
Dirac Fock and General Matrix Elements program, release 2005)", written by
J. P. Desclaux and P. Indelicato (
You are responsible that other members
of your research group using MCDFGME conform to these terms.
I have
read, understand and agree to the terms for the use of the MCDFGME
Place, date, and signature:
Name in block letters:
Please indicate full mail and e-mail
address below (both are required to
Obtain a license):
Mail address:
E-mail address (readable please!):
authors will not provide a "hot line" for usage problems. If enough
users express the need, a discussion forum on the MCDFGME Web site may
become available.
of the MCDFGME code will be notified by e-mail to registered users.
Copyright J.P.
Last Modification